The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87711   Message #1639588
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
02-Jan-06 - 10:17 AM
Thread Name: Sick Of The Democratic Party
Subject: Obit: Sick Of The Democratic Party
It probably started when the Republicans successfully made "liberal" a dirty word. Since then, the Democratic party has been on the defensive, seemingly trying to avoid criticism more than to present any strong direction for this country. The platforms of racial equality, equal opportunity and economic equity have been so diluted that it's hard to know what the Democratic party stands for. One of my sons has given up on the Democratic Party and opted for the Green Party, but is questioning whether that's really going to accomplish anything. I've pretty much gotten tired of the Democratic Party and question how effective the Green Party can be. If Mudcat is evidence of the philosphy of Democrats and Green Party believers, the "platform" seems to be Bush Sucks, Bush Is Evil, Bush Should Be Impaled, Bush Should be Impeached. I cannot vote positively for any party or movment that is solely "anti." I want to vote for a party that's "Pro" something. If the anti-Bush crowd thinks that endlessly ranting about how terrible he is (and I generally agree) this country will never move forward.

Maybe a new party is the answer.

It could be called The Malcontent Party.

I've been a Democrat all of my life. I think the Democratic party has an extremely high "Wuss" quotient and I find the endless complaining tiring and boring, without a firm platform of what can be done in a positive way to move this country forward.

Where are the leaders coming from? Who has a positive conviction on what needs to be done. Who can state their goals clearly without checking on the latest poll, or wondering if they will look like liberals?

The Democrats increasingly seem like crabby, poor losers with very little courage of their convictions. If they have any.

And no, I am not Martin Gibson..

I am a lifetime registered Democrat who is tired of Democrats, Green Party members and their endless attacks on Bush (no matter how justified) with so little positive ideas for turning this country around.
