The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87711   Message #1639605
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
02-Jan-06 - 10:58 AM
Thread Name: Sick Of The Democratic Party
Subject: RE: Obit: Sick Of The Democratic Party

While I tend to agree with you re. positive, as opposed to negative, concepts, I do feel that there are times when no recovery program can be formulated until the disease has been cured.

I too am fed up with Democrats, but not with democrats, the latter being the enlightened proportion of the population who DO believe in helping their fellow man. These people are essentially helpless in terms of cutting out the cancer of the greed motivated politician, which afflicts the USA, and those who have the power are not inclined to use it because they ARE the disease, not the surgeon. Naturally democrats, feeling disenfranchised, are frustrated as a result.

The power of the Republican Party (NOT republicans in general) seems to rest on the large number of people who will vote for anyone (no matter how crooked) who will allow them uncontrolled possession of guns, and keep their taxes low by not asking them to contribute to the health, education, or general wellbeing of their less fortunate countrymen.

This is not what one would expect of the democracy that was built on the concept "Send us your poor, your needy, and your hungry...etc" (I don't know the exact words, but the concept is clear enough).

The men who formulated those words would be ashamed at what has been done to the nation they founded, and modern America should give serious thought to the change of direction. I imagine a more honest revision would be "Keep your poor, your needy, and your hungry and take ours as well, because I've got mine, and I'm not sharing it".

Don T.