The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87711   Message #1639660
Posted By: Bill D
02-Jan-06 - 12:05 PM
Thread Name: Sick Of The Democratic Party
Subject: RE: Sick Of The Democratic Party
In the last few years, the newish Republican strategy of appealing primarily to diverse special interest groups and making the election a referendum on personality and emotional hot-buttons has gotten the Democrats seriously off balance. Several major Democrats have declined to run-- not wishing to endure a couple years of negativity and name-calling.

   NEITHER party has obvious, qualified front-line candidates ready to run for president right now...though Hillary Clinton's name has been bandied about a lot. I'm not sure she'll choose to run, as I can visualize the Republican against her...not against her competence or experience or positions, but against her personality, sound bites and 'being female generally'.

The only Democrat with an 'aura' right now may be Barack Obama, and I'm not sure he is ready...and I'm not sure he could win in needed areas due to his ethnicity.

The Democrats have a hard choice to make.....join the Republicans in negative, mud-slinging, narrow focus campaigning, or stick to 'serious issues' with candidates who at least TRY to be decent, knowledgeable leaders...and hope Bush & Co. make enough big blunders (and that the economy takes a bad turn in the election year!)

Sadly, even if everyone in the country decides Bush DID 'suck', the Republicans can just say.."hey, that's over! We have someone new whom we swear you can trust.." and go right on with the same tactics.

   The one thing I fear most is having John McCain run against a mediocre Democrat....I really might have to vote Republican for the first time ever.