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Thread #87711   Message #1639732
Posted By: leftydee
02-Jan-06 - 01:34 PM
Thread Name: Sick Of The Democratic Party
Subject: RE: Sick Of The Democratic Party
As a life-time lefty, I find the Democratic Party losing it's appeal. There is a movement to the right that makes the Dems indistinguishable from the Repubs. We have become a country governed for and by the wealthy. John Kerry did not win because the un-decideds could see no real difference in policy or philosophy. When Howard Dean looked like he might strike a chord with America both parties trashed him as unpresidential for saying "yippee!" or some such. If there are Dems out there with liberal ideals they are hiding. Even Hillary is caught up in a flag burning bill. I don't think flag burning is necessarily a good thing but there , sure as hell, are better things for our congress to worry about.

I think the whole Neo-Con agenda is totally unpatriotic. They espouse a philosophy of greed and class domination. This government for and by business interests was called fascism during WWII. Sadly, the democrats are going with the program. It sickens me. As a minority , if you can't change things , you can, at least, point out what's going on. The Dems have become eunichs.

So now what? Where do we go from here? The Green Party has proven itself to be a waste of time and resources. Can liberals get the Democratic Party back? America is a beautiful idea.. not a bunch of people surrounded by borders. The idea of America, the one that says "give me you tired, your poor....." needs defending. We need a grass roots effort that won't tolerate the "going along " by the Dems. We need to do it in our neighborhoods. Support good people that do not want politics as a career but do the right thing.