The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87711   Message #1639773
Posted By: Rapparee
02-Jan-06 - 02:28 PM
Thread Name: Sick Of The Democratic Party
Subject: RE: Sick Of The Democratic Party
My brother, who's a solid Republican who votes for whoever he thinks is the best, feels VERY strongly about term limits (12 years for both houses).

I'm much more radical. I think that the US Government should be decentralized.

Leave the Supreme Court in DC.

Move the legislators back into their home districts and make 'em meet and work electronically (yes, it can be done and done securely because it's already being done). Pay the legislators the prevailing wage in their district and require voter approval for any raise. Their benefits are whatever is prevalent in their district. (Secretaries, legislative assistants, etc. get the same pay and benefits as any federal employee.)

Move the White House to (or close to) the geographic center of the US. Belle Fourche, South Dakota, I think it is. I'm certain they could use the money. Each Department (State, Defense, etc.) moves to a different State -- Agriculture might move to Kansas, for example. Research institutions run by the government stay where they are.

This would play hell with lobbyists. DC would become museum central. One bomb couldn't wipe out the Congress. Legislators would be where their constituents could keep track of them. Costs go down. And I don't find anything in the Constitution to prevent it.