The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87711   Message #1639868
Posted By: Peace
02-Jan-06 - 04:56 PM
Thread Name: Sick Of The Democratic Party
Subject: RE: Sick Of The Democratic Party
Until such time as Representatives and Senators and 'Party' people have a country they want to make great again instead of just control and milk for all they can then give to their friends in business--until they have the stones to tell lobbyists to "get the hell out of my office", the country will suffer.

We have the same damned shite happening here. We have an election coming up in which again I will mar my ballot and possibly write a few words to clarify my non-vote. I am disgusted that people run for office, perceiving it to be the road to riches, the road to power. It's been one helluva long time since an economically poor President or Prime Minister left office. Or politician for that matter. What is it about Washington and Ottawa that turns people into thieves, crooks and uncaring sods?

What is there about power that allows the likes of Bush to circumvent the Constitution or the likes of Clinton to disgrace the Oval Office by having some teenybopper suck his dink in it? What is there about that--when Americans do not see that the behaviours are disgraceful and not worthy of either the Office or the Nation. What is it when people think that Clinton's fiasco was just a minor thing--and yes, many folks here have stated that--and yet he cheapened the Oval Office as few have done, ever. And the clown in power now who has difficulty saying words that make sense because his thinking is scattered all over everywhere and he can't bring the thoughts together without a speech writer. Or is it that we have all come to expect and accept these behaviours from those with whom we have entrusted our votes? Good luck to you. You need it as much as we do.