The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87711   Message #1639968
Posted By: dianavan
02-Jan-06 - 06:48 PM
Thread Name: Sick Of The Democratic Party
Subject: RE: Sick Of The Democratic Party
In order to win an election, you need big money.

In Canada, we already know the Liberals are crooks but they will probably win again. In Vancouver, we actually had honest politicians in city hall, on the Parks board and on the School board. They were voted out. I have no idea why. Seems to me that whoever is in power is hated and voted out at the first possibility.

I can't comment on who should succeed Bush because I'm not in the U.S. I can, however, tell you that Bush has nearly ruined the U.S. in more ways than one. He is worse than a crook. He's a traitor.

I was never a Clinton fan either but only because he was schmarmy.

I agree that Obama might be a good choice for president. He is an intelligent human being and seems to understand the needs of the people. I think he would also be a good diplomat. Thats about the only U.S. candidate that it worth listening to.

I hope that the citizens of the U.S. wake up and smell the roses because you have been given so much. Maybe thats the problem. You are like the spoiled, self indulgent rich kids who really don't give a damn about anything other than self gratification. Bush is just a symptom of decay.

I know that most Mudcatters do not fall into that category but I can't help but wonder why, with so much warning from the rest of the world, Bush has managed to take you all down the perilous hiway and why so many continue to support him and make excuses for his behaviour. Why can't men like this be stopped?

Rather than a war on terrorism, I think we need a war on greed.