The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87711   Message #1640007
Posted By: Bobert
02-Jan-06 - 08:02 PM
Thread Name: Sick Of The Democratic Party
Subject: RE: Sick Of The Democratic Party
Well, Jerry, the largest part of the problem is money and the second largest problem is timing...

95% of elections are won by the candidate that spent the most money on his or her campaign... And money has so completely corruptyed our system of governemnt that as a Green I can yell at the top of my lungs and not too many fols will hear me...

Every developed country in the world has nationalized health care except the United States... The Green Party is the only party that is advocating national health care... The Green Party is the only party that is talking about nationally financed elections which will take the corruption outta our system... The Green Party is the only party who is calling for the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy to be rolled back... The Green party is the only party that is trying to bring to the average American workers attention that the existing two party sytem isn't that at all but two rival fraternities...

Yes, we do stand for stuff...

Now, the timing thing I spoke about... At some point in time, as in any revolution (armed or non-violent) the working class kida collectively figgures it's getting screwed... Folks say this can't happen here??? Bull-feathers... Not only can it happen BUT it will happen!!! Hey, I'm not sure what it will take but it **will** happen... It has happened in every "great" society in history and it **will** happen... And when (not if) if happens, the Green Party will jump into fill that need of angry folks who have collectively decided that they aren't going to take any more of Boss Hog's corporate screwings...

Now, lastly, I believe the timing thning has byut pushed alot closer by the stuff that Bush has done...

Take, for example, the recent "bankruptcy" legislation which exempts credit card companies, which charge usary rates and are responsible for lots of our kids having to drop out of college, from the list of creditors who won't get paid... Mom and pop companies will get screwed but not the big corporate fat cats... But that's not the entire story... The rest of the story which accelerates that timing thing is that the Bush adminsitration has let any loosing corporation, irregarless of how mych their CEO's make, to "re-orgainze" under Chapter 11 and then force their employees to take pay cuts and benefit cuts...

This is just one issue... There are a string of them where the DEM's aren't standing up, spending what money they have to try to bring some sanity to our governemnt...

Like I said, revolution is guarentted in this greed driven country and when the avergae Joe Sixpack changes his mind about the system, the system won't get him back with NASCAR and beer... It will be too late for the "system"..

Meanwile, we Greens will be ready to provide ideas and leadership... We allready have the ideas...
