The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87711   Message #1640019
Posted By: robomatic
02-Jan-06 - 08:14 PM
Thread Name: Sick Of The Democratic Party
Subject: RE: Sick Of The Democratic Party
"I am not a member of an organized political party, I'm a Democrat."

- Will Rogers

Jerry, I too am very disappointed with the politics of the era. If I had to -very briefly- compress the situation that the US is in party-wise, I would say that the Republicans are evil, the Democrats are cowards.

The US Electorate will choose evil over cowards every time.

Having got that out of the way, I'll admit it's pretty facetious. I think there are many Dems and Reps who are aghast at what their parties have become.

'W' and his ilk did not come from nowhere. They reflect the US - possibly the world - of today which has been softened by having motors and engines do all our work, made vain by the shifting of much of production labor to non union overseas/ out of sight locations, made carefree by having volunteer fighting forces, and made lazy by entitlement programs which fight each other to sap the nation's treasure, made into peons by the worship of celebrity.

The important thing is to get to work, find some folk who you can associate with, and act like you give a damn. If you can see yourself working to make the Democratic party better, go for it. If you must go start putting together a new party, better'n nothin'.

Advice I may sometime take for myself.