The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87711   Message #1640052
Posted By: Bobert
02-Jan-06 - 09:02 PM
Thread Name: Sick Of The Democratic Party
Subject: RE: Sick Of The Democratic Party
No, Jerry, I don't have "all the answers" but I do feel very stringly that Green Party folks shouldn't be harrassed back into the Democratic Party because it's the only way to change the Democratic Party...

Like you, I grew up as a Democrat... I worked several campaigns and actually was a paid staff memebr in the Bobby Kennedy campaign... I worked for Jimmy Carter... I've worked more recently with local Democrats candidates... My business partent is a Democrat and sits on Town Coucil in Leesburg...

But, and I guess that where maybe your son and I agree to disagree with you is why the Democratic Party thinks it has the right to reel Greens back into the fold when the democrats won't make consessions... They cannot serve the corporate fat cats and the Joe Sixpack at the same time... They need to choose...

Can't serve two masters, you know...

Hey, throw us a few ***meaningful*** bones and we can talk...

The 90's was embarrassing... We ain't gonna do that again... Clinton wasn't a progressive at all... Might of fact, he turned out to be more conservative that a lot of Repubs... Yeah, we need the kinda leadership that isn't afarid of ther gun lobby, isn't afraid of to push for true campaign finaning... Clinton backed down... Okay, I could forgive him in the first term but the 2nd??? No forgiveness here, my friend... He should have had half the balls that Bush has and at least gotten some seeds p-lanted for progressive change... He was a major disappointment...

And the Dems were, as well...

Like I siad, and I am not speaking for anyone but my Green self: Throw us some meaningfull bones and I'll talk... Hey, we may only represent 3% but in these times, 3% is large with the partisans split 48/48...

Ball is in your court...

Bro Bobert