The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87293   Message #1640072
Posted By: KathWestra
02-Jan-06 - 09:55 PM
Thread Name: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
Subject: RE: SINSULL's 2nd Annual 12/31 Song Circle
So sorry to have missed you all--and to have missed all the fun! Happy belated new year to all my Maine and N.H. buddies who partied extra hard on my behalf. I had a big editing project--my very first paying assignment of my newly formed business--due today at 1:00, and knew I wouldn't get it finished if I drove to Portland for NYEve. Boo hoo. But it's done, and I'm feeling moderately virtuous if not properly festive. Jeri, there's a silent auction in early May where you might unload, er, donate your gift to a good cause. Love to all, Kathy