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Thread #87711   Message #1640073
Posted By: Bobert
02-Jan-06 - 10:01 PM
Thread Name: Sick Of The Democratic Party
Subject: RE: Sick Of The Democratic Party
Yer right, Jerry... I don't have any scientific data on this one... The two churchs I have seen split up by the conservatives were the Knox Presbyterian Chucrh in Falls Church, Va. and the Leesburg Presbyterian Church in Leesburg, Va... In both cases it were them folks who were against the Vietnam War that were sent packing... To this very day, folks who used to worship together don't even acknowledge each other in public...

It wasn't pretty and while I only say the Knox Church real close up, the Leesburg slpit I only had to hear about from my parents who were on the wrong side of the split...

When the P-Vine and I were auditioning churches a couple years ago we found several (in either Virginia or West Virginia) that were very intolerant... Fortunately, tho, we have found a church were folks very much are into the teachings of Jesus...

Plus, you live in New England and folks in New England are the more enlighted and tolerant, generally speaking, with perhaps the West coast... And, if I understand it correct, you also attend a predominantly black chucrh... Black folks, in general, get the New Testamant... When I lived in Richmond, I attended black churches because it felt right and the folks were tolerant (in general, that is...)...
