The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87711   Message #1640178
Posted By: mg
03-Jan-06 - 12:58 AM
Thread Name: Sick Of The Democratic Party
Subject: RE: Sick Of The Democratic Party
I hope that the citizens of the U.S. wake up and smell the roses because you have been given so much. Maybe thats the problem. You are like the spoiled, self indulgent rich kids who really don't give a damn about anything other than self gratification. Bush is just a symptom of decay.


I am quoting from a previous poster. We are from the same part of the world. Do you honestly think folks from your home town are like that? Mine aren't. Does the response after the tsunami and after Katrina give any evidence of that? I think this is a gratuitous insult and should be reconsidered. mg