The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87711   Message #1640305
Posted By: Bobert
03-Jan-06 - 08:42 AM
Thread Name: Sick Of The Democratic Party
Subject: RE: Sick Of The Democratic Party
Good Morning, Jerry...

Late night fir ya', I see...

Well, I guess it's only fair to point out one major dilemma that faces the Dems and I don't have a clue how, short of the "revolution" (non-violent, please) that I spoke of last night...

It's money!!!

The Repubs are better connected to corporate money and that's like an bottomless pit of cash...

Oh yeah, the Bushite's here will say stuff like Kerry had his "chairs" and "co-chairs" to go out and bundle money and they are right... Problem is that Bush had 2 and a half time more "rangers and "pioneers" bundling cash... Plus the goals for the rangwers and pioneers were twice as much as Kerry's ($200,000 and $100,000 for Bush's thugs and $100,000 and $50,00 for Kerry's)...

And the Bushites will howl that the Dems have their 527's and they are correct, the Dems do... But what the Bushites won't say is that they have the 501(c)'s which makes all the money the Dems collected thru 527's look likle chump change... This is why you don't hear the Bushites pounding on the 527's anymore... Yeah, the Busites did complain to the FEC (Federal Election Commison) about the 527's but when they learned that FEC was going to look at the 501(c)'s at the hearing the Bush laywers didn't show up to follow tghru with the complaint...

The largest of the 501(c)'s is "Americans fir Job Security" (AJS) which funnelled tens of billions of dollars in attack ads against Dems in the last election... The problem with the 501(c)'s is that they are totally un-regulated... The donors are not required to be made public and the amounts of cash has no limits!!!

The 501(c)'s arem in essence, shadow parties that have almost complete control of who gets elected...

If the Dems have any chance of breaking their lossing cycle thay have got to go public obn the 501(c)'s and be ready to offer up their 527's as the tradwe off... That would be a major start for them...

Sure the "pioneers and rangers" will still kick their butts $5 to $1 but, hey, get that extra $100M or so away from the Rebubs, will be well worth the sacrifice and will signal the first step toward the Dems standing up against "the best democracy money can buy"...
