The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87711   Message #1640487
Posted By: Bill D
03-Jan-06 - 02:11 PM
Thread Name: Sick Of The Democratic Party
Subject: RE: Sick Of The Democratic Party
about 'sin', accusations, Clinton, and party politics generally:
   It is really, really hard to find anyone in public life with NO little peccadilloes in their past. In this day of WWW searches, wiretaps, and party loyalists whose mission is to FIND dirt about the opposition, and if none is found, to spin rumors into accusations, it's a wonder ANYONE dares run for office! A number of years ago, the press, even when they KNEW stuff,(Roosevelt's and Kennedy's affairs) would not reveal it unless it were relevant.

Bill Clinton (and various Kennedys... as well as other past leaders from Churchill to Kings of England) were human and not perfect...but this bit the Republican are resorting to of trying to "win by innuendo" is getting a bit old!

I want to vote for a president on the issues and based on competence and vision and leadership...not on whether he is "a good Christian" or "supports abortion" or a dozen other narrow-focus bits.

I think we need an ENTIRELY new method of selecting candidates and a COMPLETE revision of the primary system. (and that law in N. Hampshire decreeing that "we MUST be the first primary" should be ruled unconstitutional!