The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87711   Message #1640540
Posted By: Rapparee
03-Jan-06 - 03:20 PM
Thread Name: Sick Of The Democratic Party
Subject: RE: Sick Of The Democratic Party
1. Let everyone vote on the same ballot regardless of their party affiliation. After all, if I'm a Democrat and want to vote for the one Republican I think is honest I should be able to do so.

2. Let each candidate be grouped by party affiliation. Under each party group is the "None of the above" choice. Marking that choice negates any other marking done in the group. And if enough voters mark it the partIES have to submit an ENTIRELY NEW set of candidates.

3. "None of the above" for each office in the general election, too.

4. All primaries are held on the same day, a National Holiday and enforced as such.

5. The day of the general election is also a National Holiday and enforced as such.

6. If you don't vote in general election, your taxes double for that year.