The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87758   Message #1640990
Posted By: Lancashire Lad
04-Jan-06 - 05:57 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Folklore Calendar
Subject: Folklore: Folklore Calendar
Hi all
We have just begun an exciting new project at Woven Wheat Whispers. Called "The Folk Year", it aims to be a calendar giving information on special days during the folk calendar. Examples of such days are Plough Monday, Burns Night, 12th Night, Solstice days, Up Hely A, etc. This is in its early days (as we are only at the beginning of January), but we would welcome information about any celebrations, rites, rituals and raditions from your area. If you go HERE and click on "The Folk Year", you will see the early stages of the project. Should you wish to make any submissions, please drop me a line by e.mail . Best wishes