The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16971   Message #164149
Posted By: PN
17-Jan-00 - 01:39 AM
Thread Name: Acres of Clams-WA song-please clarify
Subject: RE: Acres of Clams-WA song-please clarify
Hi, Katlaff . . Gee, talk about 'the forest for the trees' I never once thought how some-one not in the u/w tech biz would waggle their eyebrows at ' Articulated mating skirt' - I'm usually fast with the the double entendre's, but I'm so used to that sort of technospeak that it never once occured to me! Oh, Well, the AMK is enshrined in U.S. Patent law for the next 11 years! Speaking of which ( mating skirts, not patents) My wife and I were invited to a small city (Big Village?)in the mountains of France called Espalion - a few months ago. We went with Jean-Michel Cousteau and some other friends for the opening of a large exhibit glorifying Jules Verne's '20,000 leagues', etc. and French undersea technology - one of my suits (Exosuit) is the program's 'mascot' lots of speeches, blah, blah. A part of the upstairs display of the museum (which is housed in a centuries-old church) is village life of the last century. One of the artifacts is a woman's nightdress of some heavy, canvassy-looking material with a rounded, rectangular, cut-out in the 'lower front' ( about 6" high by 2" wide; Hmmm.. about Geoduck size . .) and embroidered above this marital delight are the words ( in French, of course) " For God's will". Boy, seems to me there oughta be a French trad song about that little gem! They sell postcards with a shot of this garment: Musee du Scaphandre, d'Espalion, Aveyron, France. Goodness, Song ideas everywhere!