The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87545   Message #1641634
Posted By: Bobert
04-Jan-06 - 10:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign
New Mudcat Term:


definition: Any type of denial that can be woven into a "War n' Peace" length thread that has little or nuthing to do with the topic at hand...

Yeah, T-theDisrtactor, would have folks think it is me that tries to chance the subject when times get tough... Problem is, it ain't me... It's T-Denial...

I call 'um straight up...

I, unlike T-Employee's boss, George Bush, who signs T-Prostitutes pay checks don't have no boss to over look what I say....

T has never been ablwe to prove that anything I have said was false with the lone exception of syaing that I thought I had remembered him PM'in' me once...

But on the other side, between Ron D and me, we've painted T into so many corners that he'd need a SWAT team to come crashin' thru the wall to get him out...

Well, given the strong possibility that he is paid by the Bushite folks, I'm sure that could be arranged...

And this ia all part of this Bush proaganda thread... Folks like T have been assigned to websites all over the world to try to but a smiley face on Bush's anti-human policies...

Proble is that here in this little folk music site, we know the real deal...

Sorry, T-FoundOut...
