The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69324   Message #1643080
Posted By: Keef
06-Jan-06 - 07:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Another reincarnation story.
Subject: RE: BS: Another reincarnation story.
Since this thread has been reincarnated..there must be something to it!
I am a devout skeptic...BUT... I saw a TV program on SBS Australia about 15 years ago called The Reincarnation experience (I think that was the title) which was very intriguing. The program took three case studies of persons who claimed detailed memories of past lives recovered under hypnosis.
Now it is possible that the filmmakers staged the whole thing (SBS is a non commercial station and usually credible).
One case in particular was very convincing. A woman from Australia who it is claimed had never held a passport or travelled overseas, had recollections of a childhood in rural England. Under hypnosis she spoke in a very authentic West Country accent (few Australians can immitate this at all well). She was able to provide some clues as to the geographical location and drew a sketch of a building (quite distinctive with an unusual shaped window) and also a peculiar geometric design.
Next thing was that they got her a passport and flew her to England. When she got close to the presumed location she became excited and started running across the fields towards a farm. A couple of yokels came out to meet her and the camera crew and it was briefly explained to them what the purpose of the visit was. She showed them the sketch of the building and one of the men said ...that is where we keep the pigs! They all then walked on until they reached the building which was indeed full of pigs. The yokels were shown the geometric design and asked if they recognised it. They did not.
Someone then had the idea to get a shovel and remove about half a metre of pigshit from the floor to reveal the exact design which was engraved in the stonework.
Dunno if anyone else happened to see this documentary but it left me with the feeling that if it was a hoax then it was certainly very well acted out by some very talented actors. If it was a genuine documentary then I would have to admit there are some strange things going on here that do not have an easy scientific explanation.
Of the other case studies in the film, one was unconvincing, the other was quite convincing but not so much so as the pigsty episode.
If the pigsty case was genuine then similar trials could surely be done under controlled conditions to prove or disprove this reincarnation theory.
If it was proven beyond doubt that reincarnation was a fact then it would surely be a whole new ball game!