The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87711   Message #1643204
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
06-Jan-06 - 10:22 PM
Thread Name: Sick Of The Democratic Party
Subject: RE: Sick Of The Democratic Party
Been basking in the Florida sun the last four days and see that this thread has grown like Topsy. Yeah, the "Let ye without sin" quote doesn't really apply here, because that would mean that none of us could contribute to this thread. I feel that political crookedness and misuse of power needs to be outed. I just feel that trying to come up with an accurate list of proven transgressions by different politicans of the present and past, and then somehow trying to "prove" which politician was the crookedest clouds the issue, as it doesn't balance the discussion with the good that they did. Many great men in history had a long "Rap Sheet" of offenses. It didn't negate the good that they accomplished.

As a parlor game. wouldn't it be fun if somehow Mudcat could post Rap Sheets for each one of us? Then we could compare our failures and see who has fallen most short of the Glory. If that actually happened, I'd change my Mudcat name to "Who, Me?" faster than you can say "I am not a crook!"

Safe in obscurity...

I remain
