The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86663   Message #1643422
Posted By: Dave (the ancient mariner)
07-Jan-06 - 11:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Winter election in Canuckville???
Subject: RE: BS: Winter election in Canuckville???
Raptor, if you want to elect criminals and thieves go ahead I'll take my chances with Harper. I remember a time when Preston Manning said Medicare needs help to run there are two ways of fixing it More taxes and a level of paralel private medical insurance. Everyone started screaming right wing Nazis and calling him an idiot, but essentially even the Liberals admit now that there has to be some similar revisions made to keep it going.

Chretien said "I wont touch your social programs" and promptly cut transfer payments to the provinces(Martin was his Finance Minister) and it caused havoc in Medicare. I pay for private insurance and have for 29 years the first thing the hospital asks me when I take both my chronically ill children there is, "is your insurance billing the same?" There is no free lunch it's a myth.

Instead of one billion dollars wasted on a useless gun registry why wasnt it spent on social programs and the justice system? The millions of your (the tax payers dollars) wasted and fraudulently given away to Quebec companies and Liberal supporters when it could have gone into our social programs? We need to fix our system or lose it. I suggest you drop the emotional rhetoric and CBC induced Liberal propaganda and take a good long look at what is really going on in Canada.