The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #85947   Message #1643850
Posted By: Charley Noble
07-Jan-06 - 10:29 PM
Thread Name: Your Favorite Banjo Maker
Subject: RE: Your Favorite Banjo Maker
Well, someone ought to mention S. S. Stewart banjos. They are still available on eBay, even some of the higher quality Model 2 and 3's. I'm particularly partial to the heavy duty Orchestra model, nice deep mellow tone.

Then there are George Wunderlich's wonderful fretless Civil War minstral replicas

And Bart Reiter's find banjos available at Elderly Instruments.

And if you run across an old Fairbanks & Cole you won't go too far wrong.

And then there are the various Dobson banjos.

Soo many banjos, soo few dollars to spread around!

You just have to prioritize. Who needs food? Who needs a car? Who needs to pay the rent? If you can only get one or two of these banjos you'll be set for life!

Charles Noble, who has one or two Stewarts