The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87545   Message #1644478
Posted By: Arne
08-Jan-06 - 07:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign

Takwe the Social Security Reform isssue where Bush went around the country attending these so-called town meetings... Problem is that 100% of the folks in attendence had been handpicked by local Repub operatives and had been screened to be sure they were very much Bush supporters... So they hold tghe so-called town meeting and it makes the local news.... Can anyone with an I.Q. on the plus side of zero say that this wasn't propaganda????

Not to mention that little "video conference" with the troops in Iraq where the troops were told by a maladministration flack in advance what to say and when, and who was to talk. And the Armstrong Williams, Maggie Galllagher, and other cases. And the gummint funding propaganda to be handed out as "news releases" with fake reporters. Misusing Social Security funds for propaganda about Dubya's privatisation schemes. And the ad/PR agency (Renton Group, IIRC) hired to gussy up the Iraq stories. Anonanonanonanon.....   The maladministration is just one huge PR campaign.
