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Thread #87545   Message #1644511
Posted By: Arne
08-Jan-06 - 07:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign
Oooops. "Rendon Group".


Yes Kerry went to Vietnam with a camera and a JFK complex. There he claimed purple hearts dishonestly so he could get the hell back home, out of harms way and try to use them to build his career. A cheap trick. Did he ever release all of his military records?

Ooooooohhhh. A "Swift Boat" sucker, eh? Nice little smear job there, but it just goes to show the character of the more partisan Dubya supporters. Care to show any evidence that any of Kerry's three Purple Hearts were not deserved? I mean, real evidence, not "Swift Boat Veterans Against The Truth" (as Bill O'Reilly called them in a moment of surprising candour) crap. Then you have to deal with Kerry's Silver and Bronze Stars, which actually are quite a bit more prestigious than Purple Hearts. Guess you think Kerry faked those as well, eh?

Bush was a fighter pilot and his unit could have been called up to go to Vietnam but it did not.

Which is why Dubya checked "will not go" on his form?

His daddy didn't pull any strings...

Oh, yeah, they did. The "Champagne Unit". And Blount (IIRC?) confirmed this.

... and the Democrats popaganda campaingn to prove he was a deserter fell on it's ass when it was revealed that the document was forged.

Which records? The ones that show Dubya actually in Alabama? The ones that show his whereabouts for half a year?

Should he have retrained to land a S-3B Viking on an aircraft carrier to satisfy a few crybabies or is he too busy?

No, but he shouldn't have pretended to be a "flyboy" (particularly since he had his flight certificate revoked for failing to obey an order to take a flight physical), and shouldn't have made the USS Abraham Lincoln steam off shore for half a day so that he could take his little "photo-op" flight to it (and also have his flacks insist that the carrier was too far off shore for a helicopter to reach and that was why he had to use the Viking ... a lie when the photo crews went out on helicopters and he had the carrier stay away from port just so he wouldn't have to simply walk up the gangplank to get on....). The whole thing was a disgusting PR job, and you should be ashamed that Dubya did any such thing.

The useless "Wes Ginny Slide Rule" couldn't calquelate how many Thermonuclear devices (bombs) could be made from the 1.77 metric tons of partially enriched uranium found in Iraq.

Oh, I can. And without a slide rule. None. Even if they had the capacity to enrich it to HEU (which they didn't), not enough for mre than maybe 2-3 fission bombs (assuming no loss and 90+% efficiency in separation, which is quite difficult, if not impossible, particularly for novices at such). But you said "thermonuclear". That's quite a bit more tricky, and requires much more (and different) material than a couple dozen kilos of HEU....
