The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87884   Message #1645246
Posted By: Rabbi-Sol
09-Jan-06 - 06:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Religious Discrimination in Suffern, NY
Subject: RE: BS: Religious Discrimination in Suffern, NY
Hi Bill,
         I am sure that you are correct when you say that other recent issues involving Orthodox Jews, especially the recent defeat of Robert Rhodes and his Preserve Ramapo Party in the last election have come into play here. Given the existance of the Monestary & Salvation Army facilities, Bikur Cholim was not even aware that their house which was only going to be occupied only 26 hours a week was in violation of zoning regulations until they were served with papers.
I am sure they would have proceeded differently had they been cognizant of the law. If you are familiar with the area the nearest motels (Holiday Inn & Wellsley Inn) are still a good 3 miles from the hospital and would involve a walk along a busy highway with no sidewalks. As far as leniency in Jewish law is concerned, it applies only to the sick person himself and not to those healthy people who wish to visit him. These "Shabbos Houses" exist at many hospitals in the NYC Metro area and this is the first time that one has been challenged.
                                              SOL ZELLER