The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87915   Message #1645417
Posted By: Amos
09-Jan-06 - 10:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Costs of War in Iraq
Subject: RE: BS: The Costs of War in Iraq
BOSTON (Reuters) - The cost of the Iraq war could top $2 trillion, far above the White House's pre-war projections, when long-term costs such as lifetime health care for thousands of wounded U.S. soldiers are included, a study said on Monday.

Columbia University economist Joseph E. Stiglitz and Harvard lecturer Linda Bilmes included in their study disability payments for the 16,000 wounded U.S. soldiers, about 20 percent of whom suffer serious brain or spinal injuries.

They said U.S. taxpayers will be burdened with costs that linger long after U.S. troops withdraw.

From Ebbie's link above.

This doesn't even begin to count the cost of the emotional ruination brought about in tthe families of lost and wounded men, on both sides of the line. The reduction in sanity, the expiration of hope, the multiplication of pain in the minds and souls and lives of all who are touched by the madness of it... the cost is incalculable if you try to assessess these secondary and tertiary rings of affect.

Broken hearts do not produce well. Shattered minds ruin the well-being of those they touch.

George had no fucking clue what he was doing, the airhead.