The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87917   Message #1645453
Posted By: Amos
09-Jan-06 - 11:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
Subject: RE: BS: Cut 'n Pastes Should be Banned...
Here is Title 47, ยง 223. Obscene or harassing telephone calls in the
District of Columbia or in interstate or foreign communications

Release date: 2005-03-17

(a) Prohibited acts generally
(1) in interstate or foreign communications-
(A) by means of a telecommunications device knowingly-
(i) makes, creates, or solicits, and
(ii) initiates the transmission of,
any comment, request, suggestion, proposal, image, or other
communication which is obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, or
indecent, with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten, or harass another
(B) by means of a telecommunications device knowingly-
(i) makes, creates, or solicits, and
(ii) initiates the transmission of,
any comment, request, suggestion, proposal, image, or other
communication which is obscene or indecent, knowing that the
recipient of the communication is under 18 years of age, regardless
of whether the maker of such communication placed the call or
initiated the communication;
(C) makes a telephone call or utilizes a telecommunications device,
whether or not conversation or communication ensues, without
disclosing his identity and with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten, or
harass any person at the called number or who receives the
(D) makes or causes the telephone of another repeatedly or
continuously to ring, with intent to harass any person at the called
number; or
(E) makes repeated telephone calls or repeatedly initiates
communication with a telecommunications device, during which
conversation or communication ensues, solely to harass any person at
the called number or who receives the communication; or
(2) knowingly permits any telecommunications facility under his
control to be used for any activity prohibited by paragraph (1) with
the intent that it be used for such activity,
shall be fined under title 18 or imprisoned not more than two years,
or both.

The difference is that some of us post for open information, and others post to harass, annoy, abuse and threaten.

Nevertheless, this is pretty dicey territory. A slippery slope. You remember the Federalist Papers? Third most important influence in the establishment of the country? To this day no-one is sure who wrote what part of them.

It is of course different for a forum than for the nation, but the Congress got mighty slimy, underhanded, ignorant and asinine according to this article relating to the above law. I trust Max and Joe futhah than that whole pack of weirdoes sometimes, I declare I do!

But mebbe OG and MG and the Alphabet Gang might be shown this here Law of the Land, should they violate it too often. If we're gonna live in a Brave New World we might as well make the most of it.