The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86077   Message #1645524
Posted By: GUEST,The Barden of England at work
10-Jan-06 - 05:54 AM
Thread Name: Sidmouth Folk Week 2006
Subject: RE: Sidmouth Folk Week 2006
How right you are Folkiedave. However, it is the 'Rainy day' that so caught out the Arena. In effect it cross-subsidised itself, the good weather years paying for the bad weather years.

I thoroughly agree that in this day and age the Arts should be subsidised, and it's blatantly obvious that so called 'high end art', the Opera, Ballet etc. get far more subsidy per capita than this sort of Festival does. It now has to run without the £60,000 that the EDDC once gave it, but hopefully its now charitable status should help in the coming years. I will continue to support it and many other festivals, as the organizers and volunteers deserve our support - rather than the somewhat negative attitude that seems to proliferate at times.
John Barden