The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17160   Message #164598
Posted By: Willie-O
18-Jan-00 - 10:35 AM
Thread Name: Ice Harvesting Songs?
Well, I've written a couple of songs about maple syruping (which I presume is what you mean by "maple harvest"), a subject I have a lot of experience with. Here's one which borrows a tune and most of a verse from the Australian shearing song "Lime Juice Tub."

lyrics: Bill Cameron & Gary Glover
tune: "Limejuice Tub" (Australian)

Here in east Ontario, when the sap is running it's time to go,
So grab your buckets, get the tractor chains,
We're off to the sugarbush again
(Response: "Off to the sugarbush again.")

From the second rock back to Gruesome Gulch,
The sap ain't running very much.
Over in Quebec they say it flowed,
But not in east Ontario. (Not in east Ontario)


It's home drinkin beer I'd rather be,
Than drilling holes in defenceless trees,
Humpin' buckets of sap for free
In mud and snow up to my knees
(Mud and snow up to my knees)


Although we live beyond our means,
Our daughters wear no designer jeans
Nor are they bothered by fancy shoes
They're wild as Watson's kangaroos
(Watson's Corners kangaroos)

 Our sugar shack is a relic fine,
You could say its past its prime
But if we stick a two by four in here
It might stand up for one more year.
(Might stand up...)

The pans all leak and they're full of scum
Sap pump's blown to kingdom come.
I've got an idea and I'll tell you it:
We'd be better off with a gravel pit.
(Better off with a gravel pit!)

Kangaroos don't show up much in this part of the world, but Watson's Corners, (which I have spoken of before, see "Gigs from Hell" thread) got some minor fame some years ago when a guy swore up and down he'd seen a 'roo cross the road. Got a lot of attention, but best guess is it was a combination of bad whiskey, bad vision and a deformed calf...