The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87545   Message #1646000
Posted By: Bobert
10-Jan-06 - 10:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign
Well, well, well, GUEST...

I'm sure you were really happy when the Swift Boat Vets ambused Kerry.... Problem is that none of them were there... Kerry's boat mates were but they didn't have the corporate dough to go up against the big-bad-weren't-even-there-Swift-boat-Bushites....

Yeah, you can talk all you want about innocent yuntil proven guilty but guess what, pal???

Give up???

Good, you should... There wasn't one day that John Kerry was in nam that he couldn't have been killed... Do you deny that???

No, I guess you can't...

Bush never went to Nam... And there'sa lot of evidence that he didn't complete his National Guard contract either... Now, yeah, if yer some shmo on the streets of ME Washington, DC, like who really careas all that much... But Bush ain't some shmo on the streets and it's only fair that the American people know the true charater of a man who is asking these folks to send their kids into war...

Like I said, Google up "browshirts", GUEST, for you might learn something about yourself....
