The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87545   Message #1646036
Posted By: GUEST
10-Jan-06 - 11:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign
Did AR292 ever pick his nose?
Did he join an anti-war group that "invented" american atrocities?
Was his Anti-war speach broadcast in prison camps to "break" American prisoners?
Did he meet in secret with the enemy and violate the Constitution and UCMJ?
Is he a Nam Vet that was maligned by John Kerry?

I never mentioned swift boats.

You can talk all you want but you did not answer about innocent until proven guilty.

What is the death rate for fighter interceptor pilots?

Bobert you have already got it your way but if you want some more.
(This is interesting because it originally came from Mudville that Bobert is allways talking about) Keep in mind that Kerry "fought" 4 months, 1/3 of the average tour of duty of 12 months:

The F-102 claimed the lives of many pilots, including a number stationed at Ellington during Bush's tenure. Of the 875 F-102A production models that entered service, 259 were lost in accidents that killed 70 Air Force and ANG pilots.

Now, doing some very preliminary calculations, total US deaths in Vietnam were of the order of 50,000 out of a total of 2.6 million who served, or roughly 2%. (1/3=.66%)
OK, how many pilots were trained to fly the F-102? 875 planes entered service, and from other figures in the same article we can see it was two years of training and three years of flying for a five year enlistment period (that's assuming that everyone did the minimum Air National Guard sign up, not career military. No draftees were ever taught to fly.). OK, and the plane was around from 1956 to 1974. OK, that's an 18 year period and three years active service each pilot gives us 5,250 pilots trained on that bird. (This is a very rough figure. Very rough indeed. Anyone who wants to help please do so. I'm assuming only one pilot per bird at a time, which may or may not be true. I'm also assuming all birds in service for the entire span which is absurdly untrue, but one will underestimate the number of pilots, the other will overestimate. If anyone actually knows the exact number trained to fly the F-102 let me know and I can change the calculation.)
So, 5,250 pilots and 70 deaths means a death rate of: 1.3%.