The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87904   Message #1646641
Posted By: Little Hawk
11-Jan-06 - 08:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Religion=good folk doing bad things?
Subject: RE: BS: Religion=good folk doing bad things?
Hey, Shambles...the ignorant will always be with us too. Matter of fact, we're all ignorant about a whole hell of a lot. That's the human condition. Dawkins is fighting a battle where he is stating the painfully obvious, for the 7 millionth time, probably because he has an emotional hangup about organized religion, as I said way back at the beginning. He only sees the bad side of it. He only focuses on its most ignorant proponents.

I mean, really, how many of us here think that the Earth is only 4500 years old?

And if someone out there does think something that foolish (and yes, some do)...okay! Fine. Live with it. It doesn't matter anyway. You are never going to be able to get everyone else in the World to be as brilliant and well-informed as you are, right? It's just not possible. Accept it.

Find something more important to bitch about than the fact that there are some people who think the world is only 4,500 years old. It doesn't friggin' matter if they think that. Nor does it matter if someone thinks the sun rotates around the Earth or that the Earth is flat. It does matter, however, if a government thinks it has the right to pre-emptively launch a war over WMDs that didn't exist in the first place...and its people are ill-informed enough to fall for such a line of bull and support it. That matters.

Dawkins, I think, is beating a dead horse. He's saying, "Look! Look! This horse is fraudulent! It's not a live horse!" We know that, Mr Dawkins. So what?