The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87884   Message #1646770
Posted By: Bill Hahn//\\
11-Jan-06 - 10:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Religious Discrimination in Suffern, NY
Subject: RE: BS: Religious Discrimination in Suffern, NY
I suppose this is how these threads take off on different tangents. We had started with the thoughts on Suffern NY.

On the subject of the St Louis and my comments about our country doing better in the legal sense when it comes to immigrants I have to disagree with Ron. Nothing is perfect--nor will it ever be. If it were we would all be living in Utopia.

Since we are living in a world of nations and not one world, of many cultures and not one, and with security problems and idealogies clashing things are, surely, far from Utopian. Are they better than in, say, the 1920s, 1930s, or name any earlier era? I would say yes. Can and should we---or the rest of the world--- do better? Of course. So, back to Suffern---and my earlier comments--I only brought up the St Louis for a point and I thank Sol for wanting me to explain what that was about

Bill Hahn