The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88017   Message #1647749
Posted By: Flash Company
13-Jan-06 - 09:39 AM
Thread Name: What can you Not write songs about?
Subject: RE: What can you Not write songs about?
A guy I knew some years ago (Tim Norfolk) wrote a song about the hydrogen bomb, not as a 'Ban the Bomb' song, but from the viewpoint of a small-time dictator who was delighted with his bomb. He wanted to drop it on his neighbour!
Can't remember all of it, but the last verse was the sting in the tail:-

I've let off my hydrogen bomb,
I did it with utter aplomb,
A tale to be told when I'm wrinkled and old,
To my little grandaughter & son,
I watch them outside as they frolic and play,
But they may not be there at the end of the day,
For I hear that the fall-out is blowing THIS way,
From my little hydrogen bomb. BOOM!

As the man said, for every action there is an equal and opposite re-action.