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Thread #88012   Message #1648109
Posted By: Claymore
13-Jan-06 - 04:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Alito brings real balance
Subject: RE: BS: Alito brings real balance
Actually his stand on "stare decisis" is the one most people should look at, and that would tend to mitigate his preferences on abortion. While I am mostly Republican (though I have on many occasions voted for qualified Democrats) I strongly support a womans right to choose. And after following his comments, I believe that unless the heavy burden of precedent can be moved in his mind, I don't believe he will vote to overturn Roe. What I'm not certain every one understands is that even if Roe was overturned, the next day every State in the Union could create their own pro-choice laws with no recourse to the Supremes. This was always the case, but the Dems don't want you to know that.

In any case I thought the hearings were far more civil than I expected, though I believe Mrs. Alitos tears brought back some of that level of civility.

And to see Kennedy speak on any matter regarding morality or the plight of women without a thunder-bolt striking him in mid-bloviation, does cast a shadow on the existence of God...