The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87545   Message #1648158
Posted By: Peace
13-Jan-06 - 05:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign
"Subject: RE: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign
Date: 12 Jan 06 - 09:43 PM

You, above all, should know how to spell it.

I Googled it up for ya and here's what I got:

you are idiot

by peace, Dec 18 2005 08:54 AM
because you dont know shit abut the islamicextrims the dont care if you are jew or cris you are on there way .and about us dont worry, we will sorvive

You are a real chip off of the old Bobert."

You, sir, are a fucking liar. I have checked my posting history and I made NO post on December 18, 2005 at 08:54 AM.

I am hereby requesting that this be checked by JOE OFFER and

1) GUEST be informed that he can either retract that with an apology


2) that GUEST of that post have his right to post to the Mudcat blocked permanently.