The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88017   Message #1648174
Posted By: GUEST,Uncle DaveO
13-Jan-06 - 06:02 PM
Thread Name: What can you Not write songs about?
Subject: RE: What can you Not write songs about?
Freda Underhill told us:

I have an old copy of a song called "maid of australia" - recorded from a radio show of Alan Lomax collections. The Maid of Australia from memory describes a sailor coming ashore and raping a young aboriginal women. This is a good example, I think, of what not to write songs about.

At least in the version of this with which I'm familiar, it's not a rape; it's a jolly consensual romp.

Remember that the Polynesians (with whom I'd classify the Maoris in Australia) in the early days of European contact, had a very free outlook toward sex. It's quite believable that the Fair Maid was as pleased with the incident as was the sailor.

And remember, of coure, that it's unlikely that the incident is factual. It sounds like erotic wish fulfillment, to me. If so, the songwriter/narrator is entitled to be believed in what he says happened. After all, it's HIS daydream.

I see/hear nothing in this song that suggests rape.

In case someone tells me that the Fair Maid, this being Australia, would more likely be Australian Bush(wo)man than Maori, I expect the same comments apply. In any case, the wish-fulfillment song comment seems to me highly likely.

Dave Oesterreich