The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88012   Message #1648300
Posted By: Once Famous
13-Jan-06 - 08:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Alito brings real balance
Subject: RE: BS: Alito brings real balance
DougR, I was going to start a thread like this once it was official, but cool, he's as good as in.

The nominations of Roberts and Alito bring a strong ray of hope to the supreme court and to this country in terms of educated, respectable men being on it.

The Democrats can not rant about anything that isn't a lie about Alito and yes, Kennedy, Feinstein, Bidon, and Durbin were made to look foolish as they cavorted in the name of the Democratic Party. They not only looked foolish, they really were.

You knew there would be howling and moaning, DougR! Thanks for starting this post.