The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87884   Message #1649796
Posted By: Bill Hahn//\\
16-Jan-06 - 06:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Religious Discrimination in Suffern, NY
Subject: RE: BS: Religious Discrimination in Suffern, NY
I checked the Google sites that Sol suggested---and there were a few others.   Very informational but as is usually the case everyone is presenting their point of view.

Getting more involved in thinking of this matter I spoke with a friend who lives in Ramapo, is an activist in the Working Families Party---and a retired prof. of Sociology at NYU.   I give his CV only to pass on a few comments from one who lives in the area, is perplexed, and has thoughts on the local people involved---namely the politicos:

1) Mr. St Lawrence (Supervisor)---a good person who has done his best for everyone for many years (I agree--having met him and followed his tenure)

2) The idea of having the council elected by area and not "at large" as supported by the Preserve Ramapo people---good one. Prevents the lobbying by special interests that wield bloc voting threats -=--read the Orthodox community. (His comments---I will not give my opinion at this point--other than to say that lobbying here, in DC, and in Israel (read Shas party (spell?)bodes ill for us all).

3) My contact has informed me that Mr. St Lawrence has informed him that NY State law allows for zoning exemptions on "religious" grounds---in the sense of expansion of a place of worship. I don't know that this is accurate or how it even applies in this discussion or in the overall Ramapo situation.

I will add here that if you visited the Google sites mentioned you will find that there are people of many persuasions that are members of the Ramapo preservation group---Orthodox included. It all comes down to our good old capitalistic real estate and personal interests. Not bigotry. At least, that is how I see it.   You can decide if it is right or wrong, but I do not think we should immediately chalk things up to bigotry.   Even hate crimes take investigations---were they or was a crime for another reason.

Bill Hahn