The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87884   Message #1649955
Posted By: Bill Hahn//\\
16-Jan-06 - 10:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Religious Discrimination in Suffern, NY
Subject: RE: BS: Religious Discrimination in Suffern, NY
Fayzee---I think we need full disclosure here---perhaps you would tell the readers who you are---your relationship to both the Rabbi and myself. Or---Scanner---if you will.

=Without getting into a long disscussion on this I would merely point to the above comments re: "grandfather clauses", zoning variances, etc;

A single family house that might be used as a wknd. dorm--even for such good reasons---presents a zoning issue.   Without criticizing and just commenting I do believe that if some readers would come to the area and drive through, say, New Square and other areas in that proximity they would see the issues raised.

Aside from all that I can only say that my knowledge of the the Town Supervisor (Mr. St Lawrence), whom I have met on a few occasions, having to do with my involvement with County issues, only reinforces my opinion of his fairness and idealism as it pertains to open land and zoning issues.

Let me just add here that --as said before---Good Samaritan Hospital is and was a beacon in this dark sea we are navigating and has always done the right thing---over and above what they needed to do.   We all, I am sure, agree with that.

Bill Hahn