The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88071   Message #1650014
Posted By: Little Hawk
17-Jan-06 - 01:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ruth Kelly, religious maniac
Subject: RE: BS: Ruth Kelly, religious maniac
Yes, that is one of Jesus' most powerful and profound statements, and one that a lot of Christians don't seem to focus on much.

Jesus is clearly saying that every human is potentially capable of doing exactly what he did...and even greater miracles than that. If he is divine, if he is divinity incarnate, then we all are...but we just have not demonstrated it yet. It sleeps hidden within us. In him it was awakened. In Krishna, it was awakened. In Buddha it was awakened.

That's why you must go within to find it.

If people really took to heart what Jesus said and did, they wouldn't worship him as one apart from them, they would see their own humanity brought to its full expression in him, and they would seek within themselves to find what he found and do what he did.