The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87884   Message #1650110
Posted By: ejsant
17-Jan-06 - 07:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Religious Discrimination in Suffern, NY
Subject: RE: BS: Religious Discrimination in Suffern, NY
I have not been successful in finding any information on the Internet that clearly defines the denial of the variance as discriminatory. Perhaps Rabbi Sol you could specifically direct me to such information.

I also must say that I have yet to see evidence presented in this discussion that would lead me to the conclusion that indeed the zoning board's decision was based on a bigoted mind set. I am at this point unable to form an opinion as to whether or not the decision was based on religious discrimination.

Rabbi, may I suggest that those in support of the Shabbos House, and indeed I am in support of the endeavor in concept, seek to present the to the community at large the benefits to both themselves as well as the Orthodox community so as to gain acceptance rather than attempting to promote and secure their agenda through the use of denigration.

I have found on my nearly fifty year walk, mostly by my own actions, that the arguing of ones position by employing the technique of abuse and denigration of one's adversary may indeed produce the desired results but it rarely, if ever, produces acceptance of the alternate view. This often times, if not all times, results in animosities being harbored and if we are ever really to live in peace and harmony with one another it is our responsibility to avoid actions that create or sustain animosities between ourselves.

I look forward to your directing me to more specific information about this subject.
