The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88125   Message #1650507
Posted By: Azizi
17-Jan-06 - 07:34 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Iko Iko
Subject: Iko Iko
Since posts about the song "Iko Iko" seemed to be taking over the
Cajun Music
thread, and since I wanted to post something else about that song,
I decided to go looking for a Mudcat thread with that specific name.

The Mudcat search engine yielded a number of titles that referred to this song, but no thread that was specifically named "Iko Iko".
As is the case with the Cajun Music thread, the search engine also turned up a number of threads on other subjects which contained posts about the song "Iko Iko".

The fact that there is no thread entitled "Iko Iko" means that 'Catters and guests may have difficulty finding lyrics & information on Mudcat about this immortal song and about the Mardi Gras Indian culture that birthed it.

The devastation of Hurricane Katrina & Hurricane Rita [not to mention the abysmal government recovery effort] has resulted in massive relocations of African Americans from New Orleans to points where ever. One [perhaps not so minor] consequence of this relocation is that there is likely to be significant changes to {if not the complete end of} the pre-Katrina New Orleans Mardi Gras Indian culture. For that reason alone, it seems imperative to me that information about the New Orleans Mardi Gras Indian songs and cultural traditions be collected and preserved. IMO, having a Mudcat thread with the title "Iko Iko" would support such an effort.

For these reasons, I'm starting this thread.

Please join me in posting {or re-posting} memories and information about "Iko Iko", about other Mardi Gras Indian songs, chants, and traditions.

