The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23577   Message #1650518
Posted By: Bonnie Shaljean
17-Jan-06 - 07:45 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Dona Dona
Subject: RE: Info Request - background of 'Dona Dona'
I do like it, but I really have to agree with Weelittledrummer. I was always irritated by the implication that if you hold a losing hand, you're somehow at fault if you don't escape or defeat it. "Who told you a calf to be?"...? But how one is born is not a matter of choice or following instructions. " the swallow, has learned to fly"? Sorry, NO. Not if you're a cow. Flying is not something you can learn if nature has not physically designed you for it.

The blithe assumption that anything is possible where there's a will is an insult to those suffering victimisation or misfortunes of birth which they have no control over. You don't always get choices. And sometimes, if the other guy is stronger than you, the other guy is going to win. "Stop complaining" just doesn't cut it as a response.   

I know what the symbolism is trying to convey, but this song ignores too much of reality and simply blames the victim.