The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87884   Message #1650585
Posted By: Bill Hahn//\\
17-Jan-06 - 09:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Religious Discrimination in Suffern, NY
Subject: RE: BS: Religious Discrimination in Suffern, NY
I think having this discussion on such a far reaching forum might be self defeating in that people from other areas do not know the local situation(s) and the difference between Sol's talking of a "Shabbos House" and the other things that have entered the discussion.

Were we to stick to one thing and one thing only---Suffern, Good Samaritan Hospital, Suffern Zoning issues, and variances therein without hyperbole and extraneous areas we might be best served in understanding and discussing a specific issue.

Let me now throw out a hypothetical query---zoning issues aside for a moment (though, obviously, they must play a part--and "transient" is a zoning issue term):   You are a home-owner and a house on your street will be vacant all week but on wknds some families---I do not know the number of people involved here---were to occupy it then how would you respond?   I emphasize---in my own case---ethnicity does not enter into this.

I do believe that I have spelled out the problem---and it is a problem, no doubt--in a simple and straightforward way.

Bill Hahn