The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88072   Message #1650616
Posted By: Dani
17-Jan-06 - 10:08 PM
Thread Name: See mini-fundraiser in the auction
Subject: RE: See mini-fundraiser in the auction
When she told me she was doing 'picture cards' for people for Christmas, I thought Janie meant a photo with a message. What I recieved was a big 'ol stack of cards that were gorgeous garden photos on the outside and BLANK on the inside for ME to send to other people. What a great idea! These would be a treasure even if I didn't already know the photographer and the flowers; they're that pretty. But, you'll see when the photos go up.

Now you can have some, too!

Don't miss this opportunity to have something lovely for yourself, or a gift, and support the Mudcat at the same time.

Bid with your heart, not with your head, I always say.
