The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87545   Message #1651870
Posted By: Arne
19-Jan-06 - 09:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign
Chickenhawk "Troll" sez:

Not anyone who knows one damn thing about a .50 cal. machine gun knows that a burst to the body means that the recipient is very, very, dead.
HERO Kerry was grandstanding and putting the lives of all under his command at risk. Had there been an attack at that moment, his boat would have had to wait until he re-boarded before it could move out of harms way.

Ummm, he got a freaking medal for that, and another one for hauling an injured soldier back on board while under fire, not to mention three Purple Hearts. Yeah, you, in the Chairborne brigade of the Fighting 101st Keyboarders, can spout all you want about what Kery should have done (all the while spouting the lying accounts of the Swift Boat Veterans against the Truth as to what you would have liked the "facts" in these incidents to be), but your opinion here just ain't worth a damn ... and the only character your statements impugn is your own.

... but, based on what I know of HERO John Kerry during ...

You? You??? You are full'o'crap. And a cowardly sleazeball to boot. You're not fit to spitshine Kerry's combat boots. I'd note that pretty much everyone that served with Kerry has only the highest regard for him. Think I'll take their word for it over yours, particularly seeing as you don't know Kerry at all.

One has only to look at his testimony before the Congressional committee and check out his involvment with the Winter Soldier thing...

Ohhhhhhhh. So you don't like the guy. IC. So that makes it perfectly acceptable to slime the guy for his unarguably brave acts in Vietnam, rather than to disagree as to the facts of what he said? My, with a sense of "honour" like that, I'd bet that Kerry is just as happy you never served under him.
