The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88076 Message #1652462
Posted By: Barry Finn
20-Jan-06 - 09:09 PM
Thread Name: In the Middle of the Ocean There Grows a Tall Tree
Subject: Lyr Add: GOODBYE OL' PAINT
H Abby I had the recording but I can't fing it now. I'm guessing I'll neve find it. I do have the words & a few notes from when I first learn this. It's from the above as both Mississippi Mud & Q mention. Recorded from Jesse Morris in 1942 in Delhart, Texas by John A Lomax.
Goodbye Ol Paint
Farewell, fair ladies, I'm a-leaving Cheyenne(2x) Goodbye my little Dony, my pony won't stand
Chorus: Old Paint, Old Paint I'm a-leaving Cheyenne Goodbye Old Paint, I'm a-leaving Cheyenne Old Paint's a good pony an she paces when she can
In the middle of the ocean there grows a green tree But I'll never prove false to the girl that loves me
Oh, we spread down the blanket on the green grassy groung An the horses & cattle were a-grazing all round
Oh, the last time I saw her, it was late in the fall She wa riding Old Paint an a-leading Old Ball
Old Paint had a colt down on the Rio Grande An the colt couldn't pace an they named it Cheyenne
For my feets in the stirrups an my briddles in my hand Goodbye my little Dony, my pony won't stand
repeat 1st verse. I need to relearn this it's the best, IMHO, version I ever come across. I can still hear his voice & fiddle & it's probably 25 yrs since I've played it. Probably 15yrs since I've sung it.
Sorry about the mistaking the line foe tall tree instead of how I have it as gree tree. Still why did it float into this song & only this version? It seems that these lines may travel but once a home they go rving no more, no?
Nice to hear from you Abby, any plans of coming north soon? Once every 5-10 yrs doesn't cut it. Maybe some day I'll be able to find the where all to head down south.