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Thread #87545   Message #1652542
Posted By: Ron Davies
20-Jan-06 - 11:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign

Exactly where did I say the US declared war on Iraq? You're having that careless reading problem again. I'm fully aware there was no declaration of war on Iraq--that's part of the Iraq mess. If it had been a declared war, that would have shown some deliberation on the part of the "world's greatest deliberative body"--not a mindless succumbing to W's propaganda, in fear of being tagged "unpatriotic".

I am looking at it from the perspective of the Iraqis and Americans who actually fought. What do you suppose they called it--the "disagreement"? I'm sure your prissy objection to the term "war" makes those who died --and their survivors--feel much better.

As Arne has pointed out, nobody in the House or Senate ever explicitly gave Bush the OK to invade Iraq--just to use his judgment. We have all learned--many knew before--that the good judgment of G W Bush is the ultimate oxymoron.

But the way Bush got Congress, unopposed by the public at large, to allow him to use his "judgment" was through his regime's propaganda campaign--without that, the House and Senate would never have given him the leeway they did--since it was plenty evident what his plans were.

He had to change the original perception, as in Cheney's 16 Sept 2001 quote you love so much, that Saddam had nothing to do with 9-11. His team had to confuse 9-11, Saddam, and al-Queda in the minds of the US public. The Bush regime's propganda campaign did so-----brilliantly. Goebbels would have been proud.

And you have provided no evidence to contradict this.

But, of course, you also do not admit it----lest your fragile ego be bruised. Poor boy (in case you don't understand "Pobre cito").